Sunday, February 8, 2009


Another awesome, mostly sunny day in the South of Spain. Got the bus first thing from Malaga to Granada and checked into my hostel before 12. The guy who was working at the reception I discovered is a Kiwi!!! from Auckland even, though I never would have guessed it from his accent. This backpackers is totally awesome, it's what backpackers are supposed to be like. I've been talking to two girls on Australia, whose epic trip across Europe is making my journey look like nothing hahaha. And later on I'm going out for a tapas tour, organised by the hostel...sooo glad I changed hehe.

This keyboard is annoying the crap out of me...half the punctuation keys are not what they say they are...useful. But - its internet, inside the backpackers, and it works!!!

I was wandering town earlier this afternoon and went through a little plaza where I ran into Clara [I now know her name], my Korean roommate from 2 nights ago in Malaga, which was the craziest thing! We then discovered we were staying at the same backpacker, in the same dorm even! So that was pretty cool.

Haven't done a huge amount today...well I have but not so much to write about...mostly just random wanderings. I walked up this huge as hill - the arabic side of town, can't remember its name but anyway wandered up to the awesomest lookout point that had the best view out over the city and the Alhambra on the opposite hill, and behind the Alhambra - the Sierra Nevada (=snow covered mountain range) beautiful. In the plaza just behind it there were two outdoor cafes and since it was sunny and lunchtime I decided to treat myself to a proper lunch - cod fish with basil, pinenuts, raisins, prawns (!!!) and maybe something else I can't remember.

I think I worked out what's up with this keyboard. The keys are arranged as they are on English keyboards, but theyre printed like spanish keyboards (if that makes sense).

Tomorrow the plan is to get up early and head up to the Alhambra. Can't wait!!!!!!!!! A million more photos to be taken there, methinks....



  1. YAY for meeting expat Kiwi and room-mate :D that's pretty cool.. Small world, huh?
    Glad to see you are having such an epic time.. I'm so jealous!!

  2. You wonderful girl. What interesting stories you have to tell. The Sierra Nevada came in to so many of the old films I used to see when I was young and an usherette. I just sat here and thought 'Emmy has seen it in all its glory'. Keep up the great travel record for us. We eagerly await Emmy's next blog. Pretty cool meeting up with someone you know and also a Kiwi.
    Loads of love, granny.
